Sunday 21 June 2015

What You May Never Know - massivesave

Expert advice for you is that you must not give up because things are not presently working out as planned. You cannot determine the precise time your goals and determinations will become a reality. Though you may have set a target for it, it is not within your power to make it work that way. The best you can achieve is to do the very best at your disposal, and allow nature to continue from there. Take note that it is very possible for you to know when you get to lie in your bed; but it is not within your power to identify the very minute you doze off to sleep. That too is nature’s work. Don’t look down on anyone or anything because what you look down on may eventually become that person or thing you need to be lifted up.  

The Great Massivesave Achievers

These are some of the people i consider as my friend. if your name is here, and i have told you about massivesave but have not joined me, consider yourself lucky that i am reminding you again. please find the JOIN-ME below and click to become an achiever with massivesave.
          But if i have not told you about it before, please forgive me. it is an oversight. please quickly scroll to the JOIN-ME below, click and follow to join the team.

1.       Richard Okhomina
2.       Angel Edosa
3.       John Asemota
4.       Kingsley Uwadiae
5.       Abraham Okosun
6.       Aigbe Uwumahenose
7.       Wilson Anderson
8.       Marcellus
9.      Guinevere
10.  Demetrius
11.  Hermione
12.  Aurelia
13.  Azalea
14.  Innocencia
15.  Persephone
16.  Hadassah
17.  Asphodel
18.  Menelaus
19.  Alexandrius
20.  Natalie

21.  Emily
22.  Mia
23.  Taylor
24.  Jessica
25.  Sophie
26.  Elizabeth
27.  Selena
28.  Charlotte
29.  Robyn
30.  Alex Monday
31.  Beauty Ann
32.  Betty Norr
33.  Blessing
34.  Bright
35.  Adamson
36.  Julius
Please you will forgive me if I have not written your name. it may be possible that I am still working on it. But take note that I am a liberal man and I am willing to accept anyone with a positive view of himself; therefore even if your name is not here yet, just go down this list and click JOIN-ME to become a member of the massivesave achievers club. It’s a platform where issues of Health and Wellness is discussed.
Note: you may not forgive yourself if you eventually found out that you are loosing out of this great privilege in a very short time to come.

Fill in wealthparadise as sponsor. If you cant activate directly, call +2348171749029

Thursday 21 May 2015

Living Always Young!! Not Jusst a Dream - wealthparadise

Although most people struggled to accept aging as something that can’t be avoided, nevertheless it is the most painful thing for every man, when he recognizes that he will soon die, while he observes his body wrinkling away.
Death is like tax which seems to be a compulsory task human must take. Humans! Mainly blacks do not believe that there’s a way out to cheat death. They say it has not been figured out, what they believe is that when we are getting old, means we are close to the grave. But recent scientific discoveries have shown that common conception of aging are largely mistaken for most species on the planet as well as humans until only recently.
 We use to understand that it was unlikely for anyone to survive long enough to die in his simple old age. Do you not understand that only event such as starvation, accident, being eaten by a predator, disease or other similar causes were the usual reason one should experience death in his simple age? (When not yet very old). Scientist have discovered numbers of theories on why we grow old and die prematurely. Some of the causes could be as a result of free radicals. But what is free radical?
Free radical are special type of molecules with an extra election to duplicate itself as it passes through other molecules when travelling through you blood stream, causing damages to your cells. The reason the free radicals react thus is still practically uncertain. Hence, much research is still being conducted about it. However, studies have shown that the presence of free radicals in our body plays a part in aggravating the following diseases. Alzheimer disease, arthritis, hypertension, excess fat accumulation, infertility, obesity, overweight, waist back pain and other health problems.

The Consequences of Bad Decisions

All over the globe today, the common word you hear the citizens say is “life is very difficult to live in” if you are given the privilege to ask why life is difficult to live, many will be fast to mention that their leaders are not doing well. Some will say that the leaders are corrupt and not sensitive to the plight of their people. Is it really true that it’s the leaders that are responsible for the life that is difficult to live in? The answer is an emphatic NO! Because everyone has a role to play to make life a little bit bearable for us all.

The first and most frustrating reasons things seem bad around us is the effect of BAD DECISION. For example if some responsible and fast thinking persons come before you with the opportunity to get rich, the chance you have envisaged for. What step will you take? Will you grab it very fast or you will institute the habit of procrastination?
The decision you take at this point determined where you will be in future. If you say no and refuse to seize that opportunity and properly utilize it, means you are passing over an opportunity. And when such action takes place severally, it means that you are Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly. And that denote “You Will Remain” POOR.
Therefore, every problem that we faced can be solved if we have the ability. But most persons, in fact majority of the citizenry want to solve their problem of poverty without working for it. They claimed that they are not made to suffer. And that working is suffering – even if the occupation is legitimate.
Knowing fully well that Residual Income Creates Happiness “RICH” I recommend this day that massive save could be the opportunity God has reserved for you. And if you fail to grab it now, the latter may either be offered or received.

Knowing The Consequences Of Bad Decisions. 
Lets compare the effect of bad decision to the situation Barings Bank fell into when the company’s president or CEO took a very bad resolution.

The Story Of Barings Bank
Barings Bank was at one time the oldest merchant bank in London. However, you won’t find Barings Bank mentioned much today, except in history books. That’s because Nick Leeson (along with managers who demonstrated an astonishing absence of oversight) ended up bankrupting the 233 year old corporation through bad arbitraging, accruing the equivalent of $1.3billion US in debt over a three year period.
A Wonderful World
We have come across various kinds of worlds. The world that is catchy, the world that is a cache and the world like a cabin which do you prefer?
Like we have seen, you will see various kinds of people, businesses and environments. But what matters is the parallax (the angle at which they are viewed and what they represent from the view)
We are telling you the issues as it was seen from our own angle. Was he a lazy man that he was not able to carry on in other networks he ventured into?
Was he very slow that he was not able to catch up with others on the track? Or was he hated that God’s mercy does not reflect in him?
Answer To All Question Is NO.
The reason he remains where he has ever been was his inability to make good judgment of his sense of reasoning.
We can learn better decision making strategies in many ways, but one way is by learning from poor decisions of others. In his article “Lessons In Decision-Making,” Rusty Wright examines decisions by US president John F. Kennedy Jr, both good and bad, to see what we can learn from a fascinating and dynamic political figure. Whether or not you are involved in the high-stakes world of business or politics, these same considerations can help you make better decisions in your day-to-day life.
Maybe your financial quest hasn't been met yet. You still have a chance to be strikingly rich through Massive Save Business Opportunity. This privilege offered you may possibly position you rightly to become the envy of other onlookers, if you recognize it as a privilege to change your lifestyle to your choice.  Massive save required little effort from you and reward you largely for the little efforts you put in, Massive Save is the right choice for you. Try it out. Its real and your earnings are paid directly into your bank account and it has been working smoothly.
Having understood the risk of procrastinating and eventually making the wrong decision, what choice do you want to make now? What are you waiting for? Won’t you Jump on this money train and turn yourself into a millionaire?
Your answer to the following questions will place you where you want to be, TWO YEARS FROM NOW.