Sunday 31 July 2011

The role of co-operative sector in national development

     The co-operative movement is a great adherent to these cherished universal human values. For due to the nature of co-operation, it provides the avenues for peaceful coexistence, service to others and self-help in the various sectors of the economy
When co-operatives are properly encouraged, and efficiently operated, they could take care of most of the needs of the general public.

There are productive in all the branches of agriculture:- (Crops, live stocks, fisheries, forestry), the inputs supply and distribution, the marketing of agricultural produce and other essential commodities. If the co-operatives are encouraged by the government as recommended, this will create an avenue for them to have sound confidence in starting up as earlier suggested.

The role of government in co-operative movement

       Section 4a sub-section (ii) it states “Government will ensure more effective cooperative education, and regulation of cooperative efforts in the country, by providing financial and material support through the federal department of cooperatives. To all cooperative Societies, in order to encourage them. All States and local government will also be encouraged by the federal government to likewise imitate them in this regard. By providing financial and material assistance to cooperative Societies, in their jurisdiction.

       Unfortunately, this in competency of the government to play their part in assisting these Co-operative Societies has led them to no other choice than do-it yourself option. This seems to be a slow motion move for these organized farmers, yet this is the only other alternative as even the banks are not willing to come in.

five basics of co-operative society

Co-operatives are private member-oriented enterprises that operate on the principles of democracy and market economy. They are established as voluntary organizations of like-minded people to;

1. Pursue mutually beneficial, social and economic interests.
2. Provide goods and services to each other and the general public in the most effective way.
3. Prevent exploitation of the weaker members of the Society, by bringing them together to help themselves.
4. Protect the rights of the people as producers and consumers of goods and services.
5. Promote mutual understanding and peaceful co-existence among the people of Nigeria and all our members abroad.

seven universal co-operative principles

The seven universal principles that guild co-operative operation as provided by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) are;

I). Voluntary and open membership
ii). Democratic member control
iii). Members economic participation
iv). Autonomy and independence
v). Education, Training and Information
vi). Cooperation among Co-operatives
vii). Concern for the community

Contact Us

Gofta World Enterprise Nigeria.
262, Upper Ekewuan Road,
Benin City, Edo State,
Tel: +234-5229-0821 or +234-8035-7787-16

Okperhie is he really a farmer?

         National workshop on the processing and utilization of cassava was organized for the farmers from the south-south zone of the country; by the Nigeria Agricultural, Co-operative And Rural Development Bank Limited. and held in Benin city. But the president of the all farmers association of Nigeria (AFAN) was not cited.

       It becomes a question that needs an evenhanded answer. Because during the two days workshop,Dr.Okperhie’s presence was not noticed hence this prompt for this questions.
If Okperhie is really the president of All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) is he not suppose to be the chief host? As the seminar was organized for the south-south cassava farmers; which Bayelsa, delta and Edo was fully represented. and Edo State fortunate to be the center.

      Has Dr Okperhie ever organize seminar for farmers in Edo State since he becomes the president of the association? The state governor was fully represented. The cassava growers association was represented. Gofta farmers co-operative Society was also represented in the occasion. Why was AFAN not represented? We need anwsers to these questions.

Definition of Gofta

Gofta! The Peoples People…
 Hope For The Hopeless…
The Hunters Bullets…
The Mouthpiece of the oppressed….
The Rain That Falls On The Farmers Produce…
The Rock Of Defense For The Defenseless….
The Food Basket Of The Nation….
The Umbrella For Those Almost Beaten Up By The Rain….
Gofta! We Build People ........

Principles and objectives of Co-operative Development;

 a. Co-operative Society is unique organizations (associations) with both social and economic objectives. As a social unit, the co-operative is made up of a group of persons who voluntarily agree to come together and utilize their resources for the attainment of common objectives and fulfillment of common felt needs.
As an economic unit, a co-operative aims at promoting and protecting the economic interest of its members. As a socio-economic organization, co-operatives are different from other Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) and Community Base Organization (CBOs) which often have purely socio-cultural goals

b. Co-operatives are regarded as one of the most important means of attaining economic and social development in developing countries, which Nigeria is one. For this reason, the movement is regarded by international organization, especially the UNDP and ILO as the most important institution for job creation and poverty reduction in the continent of Africa.

c. The basic principles and sacred value system which characterize the co-operative movement focus on self help, democracy, equality, equity, solidarity, honesty, openness, social responsibility and empathy.