Friday 15 May 2015

How To Beat Distractions And Stop Procrastinating - Wealthparadise

           Staying motivated enough to be able to see things through to completion is something that is needed more and more today.
In an age of instant food, instant movies, instant cash from ATM's, and instant messaging, it is almost no wonder that we get distracted so easily.

          Satisfaction comes, so often, from the quick delivery of what we desire; dissatisfaction can often come if we do not achieve, receive or complete things as quickly as we'd like. Then we lose interest.
Let's take a minute here, and examine just what procrastination is and how we can deal with it.

·                 Never being pushed to finish what you started, when you were young. Yes, it is important, very important, to encourage (and push) your children to finish things, and learn to do them right the first time.

·               Being so activity conscious,  that you never have time to accomplish or set priorities. This produces a sense of being driven. The result - no push equals no accomplishment (of the things that you desire).
Having few, or no tangible goals for your life. This results in simply being driven by whatever wind might come your way.            

·         Not knowing how to say "no" to others - when you need to.
·     Not wanting to do those things that you are putting off.
While the above items may cause a lack of being able to focus on various tasks, knowing what procrastination is and doing something about are two different things.
Here are a few points that should help you to get focused:

1    Figure out what it is that stops you - Why are you constantly flitting from one thing to another? Do you just lose interest? Are you too busy? Friends come over to see you - what is it?

Become aware of how you put off doing what matters. Then, make small changes to how you structure your day to eliminate these productivity vampires.

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